Certified Zen Zone Mindset 

Business Up & Running

Within 90 Days!

Learn more about how to become the leader you always wanted to be.

Access the coaching assessment to see if you qualify. 

Why Become a Zen Zone Mindset Certified Coach?

Do you aspire to have a career as a coach or are you an existing coach who wants to add to your offering of services?

Do you have a tried-and-proven training program to administer? 

Your options are either to develop your own program, which can take a significant amount of time and energy, or you can become a certified coach of an existing tried-and-proven program that sets you up for success. 

  • Be Much More Than a Life Coach

  • Be part of a unique brand in the coaching profession

  •  Tap into the brand of a former Zen Monk


  • Administer a Practical and Transformational Program

  •  Provide Your Clients With a Self-Coaching System For Life

  • Have Your Own Profile On The Corporate Website

  • Access On-Going Support to Build Your Business

Change Your Life and The Lives of Others Forever ...

I faced a similar dilemma in my early twenties.

Upon receiving my Master’s of Education in Counselling Psychology, I quickly realized that despite all of the academic knowledge I accumulated, I was not really much closer to having the kind of impact I really wanted to have on others.

As a former Zen Monk, and now with over 25 years of experience as an Inner Fitness and Communication Coach, I have brought my unique wisdom and skills to help people navigate their way through this chaotic world.

I created the 9-step Zen Zone Mindset formula. 

This program is unique in that in goes far beyond basic life coaching, simplistic positive thinking or the belief that knowledge is power.

It is a practical, transformational and results-oriented system, as well as a self-coaching system for life. 

As a result of this program, my clients learn to transform their fears, insecurities and anxieties into true inner freedom, the foundation of becoming an influential leader,  making their impact in the world. 

Allan's Goal Is To Reach As Many Introverts As Possible


Training Them To Become Confident Coaches

This is not only a chance for you to explore an exciting career for yourself, but more importantly, will help you change and impact many lives as well as provide you with an opportunity to earn a significant income along the way. The program includes:

  •  8 Sessions of Zen Zone Mindset Course

  •  8 Weeks of Advanced Coaching and Practicum


  • A Personal Profile On The Allan Knight Web Page

  •  Access to Allan's Weekly Support Call


  • Access Marketing and Business Tips From Experts

  •  Guest Appearances on Podcasts and Webinars

Are You Ready to Lead Your Tribe?


► Complete the Application Process

► 45 Minute Planning Session with Allan Knight

► 8 1-1 Coaching Sessions With Allan Knight

► Zen Zone Mindset Coaching Workbook

► Access to Allan Knight Via Zoom, Phone & Emails

► Featured on Directory of Allan Knight Website

► Guest on Allan Knight Podcasts

► Access to Marketing Trainings to Help Build Your Business

► Access to Allan Knight Weekly Training For All The Coaches

► Opportunity To Be A Train The Trainer

Success Stories